7 Ways to Make Your Wedding Green

Gideon Photography
Wedding planning brings with it a never-ending flood of little details and big decisions and oftentimes, amidst all the chaos, being environmentally friendly gets lost in the mix. So we’ve compiled 7 easy (and affordable!) tips that you can use to make your big day green and join us in helping to preserve our world for future generations.
1. Choose a Green Venue: This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to get married in a forest or on the beach (although those weddings are always cool), but when you’re choosing a venue, be sure to ask about the building’s sustainability commitment. The way your venue utilizes its energy for lighting, heating, cooking..etc has a huge impact on the environmental cost of your event.
2. Lose the plastic and paper: Avoid using plastic water-bottles and paper napkins, or really any disposable utensils, at your event. Replacing these items with things like water pitchers and cloth napkins make your event less wasteful while also making it feel elegant and sophisticated.
3. Buy Local: Choosing locally grown flowers is often something brides don’t consider but actually goes a long way in improving your events’ sustainability. Rather than importing expensive calla lilies from South America, check out your local florist. A Seattle tour guide said he saved tons of money by going to Pike Place Market for his wedding flowers.
4. Something Borrowed: You’d be surprised how many things you, or those around you, already have that you can incorporate in to your event. Old jars make great vases, your grandma has beautiful China dishes, and DIY crafts make way for unique and creative personal touches.
5. Go Fresh: Serving organic, local food is not only more tasty and fresh, but also a great way to support local, green famers.
6. Ask for donations: Asking guests to donate to a non-profit is a great way to avoid dealing with impractical gifts and give back while you’re at it. Our personal favorite environment-focused non-profit is Mountains to Sound Greenway, which uses conservation and awareness to foster healthy and sustainable communities throughout the Pacific Northwest.
7. Invite the Future: Rather than sending out your save the dates, invitations, and thank you notes on thick, soon-to-be-recycled paper, at greenvelope.com you can spend less on postage with our wide variety of customizable digital stationary. Greenvelope helps you to reduce your eco-footprint while also saving you time and money.