Thank you notes for coworkers: Greenvelope's Thanks a Bunch Card and the Vintage Stickers Card on a table

Do you have someone in the workplace who supports you, challenges you to do your best, or makes your job easier? If so, maybe it’s time to write a thank you note to show appreciation. Here, you’ll learn top tips for writing thoughtful and personalized thank you notes for coworkers, including wording inspiration and beautiful designs you can customize now.

How to Write a Great Thank You Note for a Coworker

Thank you notes for coworkers: co-workers doing the high five

Expressing gratitude can be as simple as a quick “thank you” at the end of an email or in a Slack message, but writing personal thank you notes for coworkers requires extra attention and an understanding of thank you card etiquette. Here’s what to keep in mind as you approach sending a handwritten note or personalized message to a coworker.

Use a Warm and Friendly Tone

When you’re writing to a coworker, keep the tone friendly, relaxed, and warm. You’re saying thank you, but that doesn’t mean your message has to feel formal — in fact, a more casual-sounding message can often feel more meaningful.

Although a relaxed tone is encouraged, be mindful not to veer too far in the other direction. If you’re close friends, a joke or two can be fine. For a coworker who’s more of an acquaintance, it’s best to keep things simple and avoid any jokes or language that might cause offense.

Make Your Thank You Note Specific

Sending thank you notes isn’t something you do every day, so be specific within your message and mention the particular moment, event, or gesture for which you’re expressing gratitude or kudos. Perhaps someone is leaving the company or retiring, or maybe you want to say thank you for a thoughtful gift.

If you simply want to send a note and there’s been no big moment, you can still be specific. For example, if your coworker is often the first person to celebrate others’ achievements, mention this within your note and thank them for being such a wonderful cheerleader.

Be Respectful of Boundaries

While some people blend their work and home lives seamlessly, others keep them very separate. As such, it’s best to be careful about making any personal references in your thank you note and to be mindful of the recipient’s boundaries at work.

You might want to thank them for their resilience in a tough situation or even celebrate an accomplishment in their much-loved personal hobby. However, certain messages might cross a boundary for them. Keep your card design and message subtle — you can always express a more personal message to them next time the two of you catch up outside work.

26 Wording Ideas for Thank You Notes for Coworkers

Thank you notes for coworkers: co-workers talking to each other

Knowing how to express what you want to say in words doesn’t always come easily. Fortunately, these wording ideas can help whether you want to write a short but sweet message or a longer thank you letter. Take a look at these sample messages and appreciation quotes and add your coworker’s name, or use them as inspiration to prompt your own personalized greeting.

Coworker Appreciation Messages

Your coworker has done something to make you smile, helped you out with a tough situation, or overall made your day brighter. Use one of these sample messages to help you express gratitude in a thoughtful way:

1. Thank you for always being a great team player! Your attitude means a whole lot to all of us!

2. You’re such a great coworker, [Name]. I’m grateful to have you on my team!

3. You’re the best coworker ever! Thank you for helping me find the perfect solution for my problem.

4. Thank you for your great work on the most recent project, [Name]. Your contribution changed the outcome in the best possible way.

5. Shout out to your undeniable talent and unwavering ability to keep it together even when the project feels like it’s crumbling.

6. You make the work environment the best place it can possibly be. Thank you for being a shining star!

7. Teamwork isn’t something everyone is interested in, but for you, it comes naturally. Thank you for being so considerate and supportive of others.

8. Your positive attitude instantly lifts those around you. Thank you for being such an integral part of our community!

9. You’re an amazing coworker, [Name]! You brighten our days with your warm and welcoming attitude.

10. Thanks for consistently putting in good work! Your analytical mind and ability to problem solve is hugely appreciated.

11. Thank you for always being uniquely you, [Name]. You’re an incredible example of our company culture and I wish everyone could have a coworker like you.

Thank You Notes for Coworkers Who Are Leaving

It’s the end of an era! Your coworker is leaving soon to pursue a new adventure, and you want to capture how grateful you are for everything they’ve done. Here are some of our go-to messages to honor their time with you:

12. You always go the extra mile [Name], and now we’re all excited to see you go even further in your new role as [role title or retired].

13. From the whole team, we wish you all the best as you embark on the next steps in your career. It’s been an honor to watch you grow!

14. Wishing you all the best with your new job, [Name]. Your work here has always been incredible, and it’s been an honor to work alongside you.

15. Good luck as you embark on your next journey! Your mentorship skills will be invaluable at your new place of work.

16. Thank you for being such a supportive colleague to all of us. Your new coworkers are so lucky to have you!

17. If your work ethic here is anything to go by, your new coworkers will be so glad to have you around. Wishing you well, [Name]!

18. On behalf of the entire team, I wanted to say thank you for your hard work over the years. Working with you has been a joy, and hopefully, we’ll stay in touch!

Coworker Gift Thank You Messages

It’s not every day that you exchange gifts with coworkers, so it feels like a moment worth celebrating. Whether you’re saying thank you for a holiday gift exchange or they’ve sent you something sweet to celebrate a milestone moment, here’s what you can say in return:

19. Dear [Name], thank you for your thoughtful gift and continued support all these years.

20. Team members like you are hard to come by. Thank you for such a lovely gift, [Name]!

21. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how much this gift means to me.

22. I’m so grateful for your support and this touching gift at such a difficult time.

23. Thank you for being such a good colleague. There’s nobody better! This gift was so perfectly “me.”

24. There’s no other work colleague who would send a gift as personal and thoughtful as this. Thank you for taking the time to appreciate us as individuals!

25. I’m glad that not only are we coworkers but we’ve become good friends too. Thank you for such a kind gift — I’m excited to repay the favor one day!

26. You’ve been such a helping hand during the company’s transition. Thank you for this beautiful gift.

5 Thank You Cards to Express Gratitude 

Your thoughtful thank you note needs somewhere to live, and what better place than a beautifully designed greeting card? Greenvelope’s collection of digital cards has something for every moment of gratitude — whether you want to say thank you for a colleague’s hard work or express appreciation for their lifetime of dedication as they retire.

With Greenvelope, every coworker or employee appreciation card can be customized, so you can turn any template into a card that feels like it was personally designed for the recipient. Change the layout, fonts, color scheme, and message to make it your own.

1. Big Time Thank You Card

Thank you notes for coworkers: Big Time Card

Design: Signature Greenvelope

Let your coworker know how grateful you are with this contemporary typographic card. The fresh, modern design is simple yet effective, and there’s lots of room on the reverse for even the longest of thank you messages.

2. Thanks a Bunch Card

Thanks a Bunch Card

Design: Signature Greenvelope

Sprinkle in some fruit-themed fun with this banana thank you card. This colorful design is perfect for a friendly coworker or one who loves a pun or two. The whimsical banana design also appears on the back, where you can go into detail about why you’re so thankful.

3. Vintage Stickers Thank You Card

Vintage Stickers Card

Design: Signature Greenvelope

There are so many ways to express appreciation, and this message-filled thank you card is a great example of that. This fun sticker-themed design is ideal for any coworker, with plenty of color options to choose from.

4. Multilingual Thank You Card

Multilingual Thanks Card

Design: Signature Greenvelope

Explore even more ways to say thank you with this language-themed card. Not only is this simple design ideal for any minimalist fan, but it’s also a fun card to choose if your coworker is a language buff or you work in education, travel, or linguistics.

5. Blooming With Gratitude Card

Blooming with Gratitude Card

Design: Signature Greenvelope

We love the idea of using this floral thank you card for moments in life when your coworker has done something sweet — like sending you a gift after the arrival of a new family member or pet or going out of their way to make a new hire feel welcome. With three soft color options, this watercolor design is perfect for life’s big and small moments of gratitude.

Want to make your appreciation go even further? With Greenvelope, you can add a gift card to any of our digital cards — you can send a thank you note and an employee appreciation gift at the same time!

Brighten Someone’s Day with Thoughtful Coworker Thank You Notes

Writing a heartfelt thank you note suddenly feels easier now that you have all these tips and wording ideas. Use this guide to help you come up with a message that feels unique, personal, and touching.

Pair your personalized greeting with one of our thank you cards for a fast, easy, and thoughtful way to express gratitude. There are plenty of designs and endless color options, giving you plenty of choice for any moment of appreciation.